The Accidental Magic series is follows Penny, the Accidental Witch, and the people and creatures she encounters as they explore a world that’s much more than it appears to be.
When Penny rescues a cat from a trio of Boggins, she discovers three unexpected things; his name is September, he can talk and she’s become a witch quite by accident!
Being a familiar can be a lot of work, especially when you accidentally stumble into a scheme that’s much too big for one little cat to wrap his paws around.
As a goblin, Betty was born to wreck magical effects. An an enchanter, Rosie’s gifts lie in creating wondrous items of all kinds. They come from different worlds, but sometimes that’s not enough to keep people apart.
Life is strange, but life as a ghost is stranger still. With the loss of her memories and the loss of the safe places where she knew to hide from the hungry shadows that pursue her, Heather’s left with only one thing to rely on, the one thing she’s found as a ghost; her new friends.
Nightmare’s aren’t real. They’re phantasms conjured up to give form to our fears. What if one of them didn’t want to go away though when you woke up? What if they had other ideas for how their story was going to go? Would you trust a Nightmare to walk among the waking? Even if that meant that the world might become far more terrifying in its wake?