Monthly Archives: December 2024

Star Wars: Legacy of the Force – Ch 6

The mood in the rickety Enclave freighter was morose. 

Or rather the mood among the Enclave’s hunting team was morose. Which made sense. They were all young, and they’d lost one of the own. There was grief for Yoldo and hiding under it was grief for themselves. For their dreams of being mighty hunters which Yoldo’s death had shattered and for the perceived loss of their place within the Enclave.

“There is no more voice to guide us,” Tovos had said, intoning the words as a pledge from scripture.

“No.” Osdo’s presence in the Force felt as though he were completely at peace, but Nix could heart the pleading heartbreak in that one word echo as clearly as a blaster shot.

“There is no more voice, but we remain Silent,” Felgo had said, apparently completing the scriptural quote.

And with that they had departed.

Lacking a ship, or any sense what planet they were on, Nix and Ayli had tagged along with their former captors, who didn’t seem to quite know what to do with them.

“Are they powering up the hyperdrive engines?” Ayli asked a moment before the familiar lurch answered her question.

“Think we should ask if they know where they’re going?” Nix suspected she knew the answer and that it was less a matter of ‘going to’ someplace and more simply getting away from the site of their failure.

The Enclave team had reacted to Tovos’ words like they’d all been gut shot, the fight going out of them to where even Poroto, who’d been willing to continue fighting with his broken hand had slumped into defeat.

The impending return of the Death Shadows had been the only thing which seemed to motivate them, and so they’d gathered what supplies they could and abandoned what should have been their home. Tovos’ last act before leaving had been to say some sort of prayer in one of the pre-Basic languages over Yoldo’s remains and then place a thermite charge on the corpse.

They’d been boarding the ship when the charge went off, the fireball large and bright enough to scour the partial camp clean and reduce everything near the detonation point to ash.

No one was going to find useful evidence about the Silent Enclave from what was left behind.

“They’re all hurting,” Ayli said. “This had to be their first mission so far away from the Enclave, and it was definitely the first they lost someone on.”

“You can sense that? They’re so quiet in the Force,” Nix said.

Ayli shook her head though.

“Not a Force thing. I’ve just seen this before. Human body language is a bit more limited, so I had to watch it pretty closely when I was kid. This team has their emotions almost completely disconnected from the Force, but their expression, and their postures? They’re wrecked.”

“And an experienced team wouldn’t be, would they?”

“Not if it was a Rebel team,” Ayli said. “Losing people didn’t happen all the time, but everyone knew someone who hadn’t made it, and the threat of it always seemed real. This team though? They didn’t think anything could touch them. And they couldn’t imagine losing like they have.”

“They need someone to talk to,” Nix said. 

“Sadly that can’t be us. Even apart from the fact that they think everything we say is sin and heresy, we’re not part of their group and its ingrained in them not to trust any outsiders.”

“That sounds like you’re also speaking from experience.”

“There wasn’t exactly a lack of people who were interested in making a quick cred by selling Rebels out to the Imperials,” Ayli said. “That’s why I like archeology. Dead people are real good at keeping their lips shut.”

She said the last with a smile, but Nix could feel the cutting truth behind the words. Ayli trusted her because Nix was ‘part of her group’, other people though, even people she wanted to be close to, were always held at a distance, if even unintentionally. 

Nix wanted to reassure her, but reflecting on her own life, she found a similar division in play. She hadn’t been a Rebel. Hadn’t fought and killed and watched people die in the dark, but she’d held herself apart from most of the crew’s she’d been a part of. 

Oh, she’d had friends, certainly, but as she drifted from ship to ship those friendships had drifted away too. There were the odd cases like Saliandrus where the bond persisted, but then Sali was an odd case all on her own, as Pirate Queens are won’t to be.

That things felt different for her since meeting Ayli was something Nix hadn’t consciously noticed, but came into clear focus seeing the Enclave team struggling to find the connections they needed.

Nix had followed the flow of the Force all her life, without any clear awareness of what she was doing. Meeting Ayli though had changed that, had finally made her consider the idea of there being a ‘forever’ with someone, even if their forever had started under fairly questionable circumstances. 

Once there was one forever in her life though, Nix had started to feel the hunger for more. She hadn’t had a family, and had thought, given how successful she’d been at surviving on her own, that she didn’t have an interest in one. 

Except it turned out that ignoring her own needs was, in fact, a skill she was a grandmaster of. 

She knew it wasn’t all self delusion. She had no interest in generating a child of her own. But a family? That was a lot broad of an idea than simple biological links. Kelda and Ravas? They were the Elders she’d always wished she could turn to for answers. Or rebel against. Or seek consolation from. Ayli? Even though they were together, Nix hungered for her wife, not simply to touch and hold but to be with. To share time and tasks and interests. To talk about nothing and to share everything. 

And then there was Rassi and Solna.

What would they be? Would they stay to be part of the family Nix was building? Intellectually she knew, and was determined to make sure, that it was their choice. In her heart though, if she was being honest with herself, she wanted them to be a part of her new family too. Daughters? Younger sisters? Cousins of an aunt’s second sister’s nephew’s grand niece? The name for the relationship was an affectation at best. All that mattered was the bond they could share, and they place they would have in each other’s hearts.

“And these idiots need to be there too,” Nix said with a sigh.

“What’s that?” Ayli asked, not being psychic in the literal ‘read minds all the time’ sense.

“This is going to be a disaster,” Nix said, knowing Ayli would understand.

Which she did.

“You’re going to talk to Tovos anyways aren’t you?” she asked, out of idle, unconcerned curiosity.

“I was thinking Felgo,” Nix said. “He seems to have a bigger problem with me.”

“You’re right, it will be a disaster.”

“Any thoughts on how to mitigate the disaster part?”

“Nope. We could avoid it, but if we’re not doing that, then embracing it is the next best thing,” Ayli said. “Or maybe I’m sort of drunk on being off balance with the Force. Seems fine to me though. You’ll make it work. Somehow.”

“Did you want to come with me?” Nix asked, wondering if Ayli had gained a new depth of insight with the Force or if her lack of fear was more of a disability than some new power.

“Probably better not to gang up on them,” Ayli said. “Plus if I’m not there, I can come and bail you out when they start reaching for their blasters.”


“Maybe when. They are just devilishly hard to see in the Force.”

“Can you imagine what they must have been put through to wind up like that? You’d think this was an corp office building not a ship full of grieving teenagers.”

“Teenagers with blasters and a lifetime of brainwashing against you specifically.”

“Gotta start undoing that somewhere.” Nix shrugged. Disaster it was and disaster it would be.

She found Felgo in the engine room and cleared her throat to begin the carnage.

“Go away,” Felgo said, his voice too tired and his gaze held steady on the powerline he was adjusting.

“That needs to be replaced,” Nix said, largely because power transfer modules were not meant to be that particular shade of burnt plastic, but also because ship repairs were the definition of her comfort zone.

“Does it look like we’ve got replacements?” Felgo said, annoyance rising in his voice.

“Yep. Right there, near your left foot,” Nix said. She’d been inside the guts of so many freighters she felt like she’d wandered home when she wasn’t looking.

Which, in a sense was true. Ayli was there after all, so the ship was as good as anywhere else to call home.

“Can’t use that. Don’t know where it goes.” Felgo’s fatigue only wanted her to go away. He had reached the limit of problems he could handle and was probably going to explode on her no matter what she said next.

“You’ve had a miserable day,” Nix said asking the Force to guide her words into gentler waters. “And I’m not helping that.”

“Then why are you here?” Irritation colored Felgo’s words but that was better than the explosive rage that lurked within him.

“You need someone to be mad at, and I do know where that powerline goes,” Nix said.

Felgo finally turned to look at her, brows creased in confusion and frustration.

“Why do you want me to be mad at you?” That he grew more angry and suspicious with each word in the question was a good thing. Or so Nix tried to tell herself. “This is some Jedi trick isn’t it?”

“Not a Jedi,” Nix said. “It is a trick though. It’s the get a crew member to blow off steam before they blow us all up trick. Had to use it a bunch of times now when repairs just go to hell and no one’s having a good day.”

“I don’t…I’m not interested in your Jedi tricks. And I’m not going to blow us up.”

“Not working on the powerline you’re not. But you all have had about the worst days in your lives right? I don’t know what Tovos meant when he said you were Lost but that sounded like more than you just didn’t know where to go.”

Felgo went to speak but clamped his jaw shut and glared at her. Nix guessed he could hear Tovos telling him to shut up and had finally taken that command to heart.

“I’ve had bad days, believe it ir not,” Nix said. “The galaxy just loves to drop all the bantha puddu it can on us sometimes.”

Felgo remained silent and glaring.

“And you have zero reason to trust me. Maybe less than zero in fact,” Nix said. “But that doesn’t change the fact that you don’t deserve what’s happened. Life is just unfair like that sometimes.”

Felgo was growing even more suspicious of her the more Nix spoke. She could see it in his eyes and was starting to feel it in this Force.

Which was not a good sign.

“Here’s the thing though,” she said sensing the need to get to a point Felgo could wrestle with. “The galaxy isn’t what’s fair. We are. We’re supposed to be the answer to the things that go wrong. You and I aren’t on the same side, right? You’re Silent and I’m a loud, corrupt Xah abuser? Except we’re not.”

“Shut up,” Felgo growled, just about to break. “I will always be Silent, whether I am Lost or not.”

“Yeah, obviously,” Nix said. “But being Silent isn’t all that you are. You’re also a young human. You’re also a hunter. You’re also Tovos’ best friend. We are all so much more than any one label we carry. Maybe you’re ‘Lost’ now but lost things can be found. That’s my wife’s entire career now.”

“We will never be found,” Felgo said. “It’s impossible.”

“Want to bet on that?” Nix asked. “I found your Enclave once and I didn’t even know what I was looking for. I’m not a Jedi, and I’m not a corrupter of the Xah, but I can still do things you can’t even imagine.”

Star Wars: Legacy of the Force – Ch 5

Rassi hadn’t know how to make Solna believe that the Death Shadow attack wasn’t her fault. All the words and convincing arguments that should have been there were missing, and Solna knew why.

Because Rassi couldn’t be sure.

Oh, Rassi knew for certain that Solna wouldn’t have specifically called the Death Shadows down on the Silent Enclave. Even when Solna was busy denying the rage that had been building in her for years, she had a core of kindness that would have balked at the kind of collateral damage which had occurred.

And, for as much as they were both coming to understand and hate how they had been treated and how the Silent Enclave treated others, Rassi knew neither of them were so deep in their hate to willing murder anyone.

They’d seen what that level of corruption looked like.

What the Dark Side allowed and required. 

But Solna was right. The Force could be moved by unspoken desires, even ones the conscious mind turned away from.

Had she and Solna been angry and wished ruin upon Primus Dolon and the whole structure of the Enclave’s society? Yes. Definitely. Rassi couldn’t even claim that had changed, or that she didn’t wish it even more strongly than she had before.

That in turn left open the question of whether that unvoiced rage had been what had called to the Death Shadows. 

And whether they could indeed call them again.

“I don’t think we should tell anyone about this,” Solna said.

“You think they’ll blame us?” Rassi asked.

“The Horizon Knights have a mandate to hunt down people like the Death Shadows, and Force users who work with them,” Solna said. “I think they’d at least have to lock me up. Or worse.”

Rassi caught a flash of the future Solna was envisioning. A future marked by blood and pain.

But it wasn’t a real future. If was wrapped in shadows. A lie born of fear.

“They won’t,” Rassi said. “If this is something they’re familiar with, they can probably tell us whether it’s possible that we did this or not, and if we did, I know they’ll be able to teach us how not to do it again.”

“But will they trust us with that?” Solna was quiet, her awareness turned inwards, searching for some confirmation of what she feared she’d done.

“If we go to them? I think so,” Rassi said. “Think about Nulo and Muffvok. Lasha has been raising them since they were little and they’re not fanatics like we were.”

“I don’t know if we can judge that all that well,” Solna said. “I think they look more reasonable because they agree with the things we’ve been learning. We haven’t tried to go against their wishes at all so far.”

“They trusted us to call us in against the Lich,” Rassi said.

“Okay, yeah, that’s true,” Solna said. “But it still scares me.”

“Me too,” Rassi said. “How much of that is just inside us though? I mean, this was our home. We knew this place and it’s gone now. And we have broken all kinds of rules so far. Maybe this whole idea is just guilt over that?”

Solna closed her eyes and breathed in and out, slowly and regularly. Rassi kept her eyes open but made a similar effort at centering herself. 

“Maybe this is just guilt over leaving the Enclave,” Solna said at last. “I can’t feel where that guilt ends and the guilt over summoning the Death Shadows begins.”

“We’re too close to it,” Rassi said. “The Enclave was wrong about a lot of things, but some of their stuff just makes sense – I think it had to or nothing would work. When Honored Jolu taught us about getting an external perspective on feelings that seemed too big to manage, that’s probably a good idea.”

“Okay,” Solna released more than just the breath she’d drawn in. “But we need to make something clear if we’re going to let anyone know about this idea.”

“What’s that?” 

“I’m the one who might have done this. Not you.” Solna’s expression had gone adamantine in its resolve.

Rassi pulled her in to close hug.

“We absolutely do not know that,” Rassi said. “If this is something we did without knowing it, then I’m much more likely than you to have been responsible.”

“Why? And how? I’m already responsible for Nix finding us, that make me the most likely to have been bending the Xah for other things.”

“I don’t think so,” Rassi said. “You called to Nix because you wanted us to be rescued, to find a way out of the Enclave. I was the one who wanted it all to burn down.”

“I’m also the prodigy though right?” Solna said, clearly not believing the claim but still more than willing to use it to win the argument.

“And I’m the one who can copy the prodigy,” Rassi said. “Maybe while you were calling to Nix, my fear and anger were calling to the Death Shadows?”

“I do not want them to blame you for this,” Solna said. “I can’t let that happen.”

“This isn’t going to be about blame,” Rassi said. “It’s about understanding, whether either of us could have done this and, if so, what we need to do to make sure we never do it again.”

Solna leaned into the hug, which felt so good Rassi considered tossing away all other cares and simply staying like they were, hidden in one of the still standing buildings, away from everyone’s eyes.

“I hope you’re right,” Solna said. “I don’t think I would have gotten through this without you.”

“I think we belong together,” Rassi said, which wasn’t a particularly daring thing to say, they’d talked about presenting a united front to the world a lot of times. In this case though, Rassi felt like she was asking for something more than that. Something that maybe they already had but hadn’t ever named? 

“We do,” Solna said before drawing in a fortifying breath and pulling away from the hug at last. “And you’re right. This is something we should talk to people about. Hiding it would just be stupid and make everything worse.”

“We don’t have to rush though,” Rassi said, missing the closeness of the hug already.

“I don’t want to risk losing my nerve,” Solna said and took Rassi’s hand.

It wasn’t a hug, but it was still good.

They found Nulo first, following the sound of young Hutt’s hover platform to find her surrounded by ghosts.

They weren’t exactly friendly ghosts, but they were friendly enough under the circumstances.

“Oh hey,” Hendel the skeleton said. “We can’t find anymore of the Shadows lingering around here, so we’re thinking we’ve chased them off and people are safe now?”

“I don’t sense them either, but I wanted to find you and see what you thought,” Nulo said.

“They can probably hide better from us than from anyone,” Solna said.

“Yeah, if they’re used to hunting people from the Enclave, then they’d have to know how to hide from us,” Rassi said, considering for a moment just how terrifying the attack on the Enclave must have been.

They’d been told that the Death Shadows were a group of corrupted Xah users – frightening but still tangible and mortal. From what the ghosts of Praxis Mar had reported though the creatures they fought were very definitely not living beings.

“I was thinking about that,” Nulo said. “We haven’t found bodies in the Enclave, but we did find them in a tradeport. That means the Enclave members had to have evacuated before the Shadows got here, right? Which means the Enclave must have known they were coming, somehow, so maybe the Shadows aren’t ambush predators. They may be more like pack hunters, with only enough stealth to get in close to their prey.”

“Except in this case, the prey was able to spot them. That does seem to make sense,” Solna said.

“And if you’re right that they evacuated then there should be a beacon stone somewhere around here.” Rassi cast out her sense, both searching for any lingering traces of the Death Shadows and to see if she could find the beacon Honored Jolu had told them should be there.

“Beacon stone?” Nulo asked. 

“The Silent Enclave has survived as long as it has through anonymity and mobility,” Solna said, reciting one the lessons all children in the Enclave were taught. “We lived in tents and impermanent dwellings so that we could flee on a moment’s notice, and take as much with us as there were time for.”

“Which could be nothing,” Rassi added, since that point had always been stressed.

“The one thing the Enclave would not leave behind though was its own members,” Solna said. “Whenever the Enclave has to relocate, they’re supposed to find an unremarkable pair of stones and quiet the Xah in them both.”

“They showed us how to do it and it makes the stones almost unnoticeable,” Rassi said. It had been one of the rare assignments she’d done well with and had enjoyed. The other children had ruined it for her, but by that point it had hardly been a surprise.

“One stone is left behind and the other is taken and dropped on the planet the Enclave moves to,” Solna said. “By holding one, you can sense where the other is, supposedly even across the stars.”

“Wouldn’t that let whoever was following you just find you again though?” Hendel asked.

“There are traps setup around where the stone that’s taken along with the Enclave is hidden,” Solna said. “Anyone who follows the stone’s guidance must pass through the traps to find the Enclave. If you’re a member, they’ll know you when you show up and let you through. If not…”

“Then they kill you?” Nulo guessed.

“Or send you back believing that the stones led to a dead end,” Rassi said. “Dissuading people from finding the Enclave was supposed to be the Great Will of the Xah and anything and everything that supported that was automatically judged to be free of corruption.”

“So how do you find this stone if it’s unnoticeable?” Hendel asked.

“We were supposed to take three days centering ourselves, listening to the silences around us for the one which was too quiet,” Solna said.

“What if you were being pursued too though?” Nulo asked.

“In that case you’re not supposed to look for the Enclave,” Rassi said.

“The duty of anyone outside the Enclave when it moves is to be certain they are not followed back to it,” Solna said. “If that meant spending a week hiding out, you did it. If it meant spending a year hiding, you did it. If you had to die to be sure no one could follow you back, them you died. The safety of all was supposed to matter more than any personal safety.”

“That’s a fairly common stricture to find in hidden cults,” Kelda said, appearing beside Nulo.

“It sounds noble, and it enwraps the members into a community where intense devotion is expected to be the norm,” Ravas said, appearing on Nulo’s other side.

“That’s the Enclave,” Rassi said.

“The people in the tradeport are putting in a call for Republic assistance,” Kelda said. “They seem to be out of danger for now and they’re going to need help rebuilding this place.”

“And they would all feel more comfortable if we stayed around to make sure the Shadows don’t come back after nightfall or something,” Ravas said. “So you should have plenty of time to look for this beacon stone.”

“I don’t think they’ll need that much time,” Monfi said. “Unless I miss my guess, this was the beacon stone that you were talking about?”

In his hand, Monfi held the shattered pieces of a stone which had no noteworthy features.

Rassi could feel the chaotic scramble of the energy in the stone. It wasn’t alive, and had never been alive, so it shouldn’t have been part of the Force, but all matter resonates with the Force and the stone was no different.

If it had ever been connected to another stone however, that was completely lost, and with it any trace of where the stone’s twin might have been taken.

Star Wars: Legacy of the Force – Ch 4

The worst thing to do when presented with a mysterious and unexpected scene which showed significant signs of having been a massacre was to leave the safety of the perfectly serviceable spaceship one had arrived in and venture out into said massacre scene to ‘find out what had happened’.

“You know we’re being watched, right?” Ayli asked. Tovos had decided that while investigating the partially constructed encampment was for some reason necessary, neither he nor his team needed to be the ones at the forefront of said investigation. That they’d snapped dura-steel shackles on Ayli and Nix’s wrists before forcing them out of the craft was so sadly predictable that Ayli hadn’t even bothered to complain. 

It helped that the shackles were the cheap store bought variety that Ayli had learned to escape before she knew how to read, but with her Dark Side still curled up and recovering from the thrashing Paralus had given it, she found she simply wasn’t as afraid of things as she probably should have been.

“Of course we are,” Tovos said. “The monsters scream in the Xah. They will not surprise us.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure of that,” Nix said. “Predators are usually pretty good at distracting their prey. They don’t tend to last long as predators otherwise.”

Nix didn’t sound terribly concerned about their predicament either. Ayli attribute that to the subtle nudges the Force was giving them. It was oddly easy to remain peaceful despite their captivity, unless one took in account the sense each of them possessed that the will of the galaxy was in the corner, rooting for them. The Force was neither all knowing, nor all powerful, and could certainly be bent to evil ends, but its natural state was one of balance and after the time they’d spent on Praxis Mar, it was staggeringly refreshing to be able to feel just how powerful that was.

“Of course she knows about these monsters,” Felgo said. “She probably called them here with Jedi magic.”

“Not a Jedi,” Nix said. It had become an almost autonomic response. “And you would have felt any manipulations I did with the Xah, right?”

Ayli smiled. Playing their pride against their paranoia wasn’t a sound long term strategy, but the grumble of discontent it brought from Felgo was amusing nonetheless.

“Out of curiosity, since you know they can see us, why are you bothering with the cloaking technique?” Ayli asked.

“And isn’t that manipulating the Xah?” Nix asked. “It’s not supposed to be this quiet here.”

It seemed like a valid question to Ayli, even if she knew that Tovos dropping the cloaking effect which was hiding them from general detection would result in the immediate appearance of Nix and Ayli’s allies. That was, from Tovos point of view, an excellent reason to stay cloaked for the rest of his life, except he didn’t know that.

“There is no corruption in silence,” Felgo said. “We are a hunting party and the hunt must remain silent.”

“Don’t explain to them,” Tovos said. “That one came to steal our secrets.”

“Asking nicely and letting you drug me is stealing?” Nix asked.

“You took our children,” Felgo said. “Just like a Jedi.”

“Stop talking!” Tovos said. 

Ayli suppressed a chuckle. Tovos was too young to lead a team like that. True, he was clearly a young adult human, but he didn’t understand anything any the situation they were in or how to manage those under his command.

That was made abundantly clear in less than a second when Nix tackled him to the ground.

Which was quite nice of her.

The Death Shadow she’d saved Tovos from disagreed with that assessment however. With appendages that looked like arms broken in three extra places, it reached down for Tovos who was scrambling away from it on his hands and butt. 

Felgo and Osdo tried to shoot the Death Shadow with the blasters they were carrying but Felgo’s shots went wide in his panic and Osdo’s bolts passed right through the Death Shadow. 

That wasn’t the real problem they had though.

The real problem was that with the trap sprung, the rest of the Death Shadows were abandoning their hidden refuges and descending on the small party en masse.

One of the younger members of the hunting party, Ayli thought his name was Yoldo, tried to hold off a Death Shadow by using his rifle as a staff.

That did not work.

The Shadow passed through the rifle and grasped Yoldo by the throat before pouring itself down Yoldo’s throat and into his eyes.

Ayli threw off her shackles and stepped forward to help Yoldo, but was confronted by two of the Death Shadows.

“Nope,” Nix said and dragged both of the Shadows back with the Force, flinging them into each other, which seemed to stun the two.

In the moment’s delay that took however, Ayli saw Yoldo’s body twitch, spasm, and then shatter. What hit the group was already a corpse as the Death Shadow that had killed him came pouring back out of its victim.

“Run!” Tovos said, understanding at last what a tremendously bad idea investigating the partially constructed camp had been.

“No!” Nix called, calling up a swirl of debris to form a shield around them.

It wasn’t a shield to keep out the intangible Death Shadows though. It was a shield to keep the Enclave hunting party from scattering (and then dying individually Ayli foresaw).

“We have to stand together,” Nix commanded. “I can’t protect you otherwise.”

“Your corruption will not save us!” Felgo said.

Ayli yanked him back specifically, since he seemed determined to plow through the whirling barrier that Nix had called forth.

“Of course not,” Ayli said. “Mine will.”

The Death Shadows were a terrifying and utterly deadly threat. They were not, however, a planet sized Dark Side nexus, or a centuries old Lich capable of lifting mountains. Ayli hadn’t really defeated either the planet or the Lich, but they had adjusted her sense of scale and without the crushing pressure the Dark Side cutting her off from the Force, she was able to recognize a familiar element to the Death Shadows.

When the first one broken through Nix’s barrier, Ayli was ready to meet it.

It tried to grasp her and she let it.

Which let her grasp it as well.

When it tried to pour itself within her, she held it away and waggled a forefinger at it. It writhed and shrieked and strained against her grip, but she wasn’t holding it with only her hand.

“We are one with the Force,” she said, opening herself to the Force and sharing it with the Death Shadow. There was a commotion behind her but Ayli ignored it. What she was offering was a gift which to both the Force and the Death Shadow, and she was not accepting returns.

The Death Shadow gave one final shriek as something else swallowed it.

There was silence as the shriek faded away.

And then the Shadows were gone.

Ayli could feel them fleeing faster than thought, driven away by a horror which was wholly new to them.

And she regretted that.

They were monsters. That much was unquestionable. Why they were monsters however was a mystery, and one Ayli had the sense she wasn’t going to enjoy finding the answer to.

“There, now we can leave,” Nix said, allowing the ring of spinning debris to settle to the ground.

“Yoldo!” One of the other Enclave hunters, Poroto, screamed and collapsed when he saw what was left of his friend.

“What have you done?” Tovos had the barrel of his rifle directly under Ayli’s chin, which wasn’t a position she was overly found of, but which she trusted would work out okay.

She just had to keep Nix from breaking the poor boys hands.

“She sent the wraith back to its proper rest,” Nix said. “And you will want to put that down.”

“Your Jedi tricks don’t work on me,” Tovos snarled as he looked over towards her.

“That’s true. They do however work on the trigger of you blaster,” Nix said.

Whether that was true or not, Ayli still had all of her self defense training hard wired into her nerves.

She had the rifle out of Tovos’s hands, Tovos on the ground, and the barrel pressed to the Felgo’s forehead before she was even aware she’d decided to act.

“This is where we become very polite with each other,” she said. “And also where I point out that the wraiths are perfectly capable of returning once their rage overcomes the surprise that shocked them.”

“She’s right,” Nix said. “Listen for them. They’re regathering already.”

“We..You don’t order us,” Tovos said, choking from one of the blows Ayli had hit him with. 

First rule of combat, protect your vital parts and he’d failed even that.

Ayli frowned, if she was really going to start making up a numbered list, the first rule of combat should be ‘avoid it like the plague’. That should also be the second, third, fourth, and so on rules out to a million or so, just to make sure people really understood it.

“That’s good,” Nix said. “Because we’re not giving orders. We are however also no longer taking them.”

“You…you won’t corrupt us!” Osdo’s voice quavered with uncertainty as fear poured off him and his presence in the Force became a veritable roar compared to the previous whisper he had been.

“Osdo!” Tovos’ voice was sharp and stern. “Be silent.”

“Osdo’s correct,” Ayli said, in gentle and calm tones, offering Tovos her hand to help him rise. “We won’t corrupt you. We won’t ask for your secrets, and we won’t teach you any of the arts we’ve learned.”

“And we’re not going to mind trick you,” Nix said. “If you don’t believe that, then consider whether your literal lifetime of learning to listen to the Xah would somehow not be enough for at least one of you to notice if either Ayli or I tried to bend it to influence you. You all just felt what it’s like when I use Force. I’m sure that seemed like a corruption to you, but listen to each other, and listen to the Xah. I’m sure you can hear ripples in it, but are any of you corrupt now?”

“You killed Yoldo,” Poroto said, an all too familiar, irrational anger rising in him.

“We did,” Nix said. “By letting you take us into this obvious trap, our negligence resulted in his death. We should have refused your order to come here, overpowered you, and flown us all away.”

“The Death Shadows killed Yoldo,” Tovos said, not exactly falling on Nix and Ayli’s side. His aim was clearly to cut short the discussion of blame, since a fair portion of it rested on his shoulders.

“You know what the wraiths are?” Ayli asked, offering Tovos his blaster back.

Which allowed Poroto to shoot her.

Or at least try to.

“Wow do you need a timeout,” Nix said, struggling with the words as she held the blaster bolt in place. Ayli stepped lightly to the side allowing Nix to release the bolt which promptly blew a fist-sized hole threw one of the dura-crete walls which had been erected.

Poroto went to fire again, but this time Nix yanked the blaster out of his hands.

Ayli sense an index finger snap and Poroto dropped to his knees cradling his hand.

“One more attempt, just one more, and we’re going to find your people on our own,” Nix said.

“They are gone,” Tovos said. “They are gone and they cannot be found. There was no time to set up a relay.”

“No. We can’t be Lost. They wouldn’t leave us for Lost,” Osdo said. 

“The Death Shadows found them after they fled once,” Tovos said. “There will be no finding them a second time. We are still Silent, but we are now Lost.”

Star Wars: Legacy of the Force – Ch 3

Standing in the empty shell that had once been her house, Solna felt like a vast gulf of time had passed, rather than just a few days.

“It was always this empty, wasn’t it?” Rassi asked, coming up to stand beside Solna in a manner that was somehow more comforting than any physical affection would have been.

“I hated it here,” Solna said. “I should have told you that. I don’t even know why I hid it.”

“Can you imagine what Honored Jolu would have done if she’d overheard you?” Rassi asked.

Solna had to laugh. Jolu had played the role of boogeyman for a lot of the children in the Enclave, but had taken a special interest in Rassi, and by extension Solna. Avoiding her attention had been one of the soft boundaries they’d been hemmed in by from the time they were old enough to understand that rules existed.

Despite her exalted position in their lives though, Jolu hadn’t been the true nightmare which plagued them. Her attention, if often sharp and biting, was always coupled with lessons and a chance for Rassi and Solna to redeem the mistakes they’d made.

The true boogeymen were the children that no adult saw fit to hold back from heaping abuse on Rassi and, far less often in Solna’s view, Solna too. The children weren’t alone though. There were plenty of adults who openly spoke of their eagerness for the day when Rassi would face the Trials of Silence, fail them, and cease to be a problem for the Enclave.

No one bothered to suggest that Solna would fail her trials. She was considered properly silent, noticeably more so than many of her age mates. Her defenses of Rassi was imagined to either be an eccentricity she would grow out of, or a sign of character defect so deep that she would be drawn down into the whirlpool of failure that would drown Rassi.

In theory Josta and Krelvarth should have been concerned about that. In other families, the caregivers would rise to defend their children, and would instruct them in private on how to be proper members of the Enclave. 

Josta and Krelvarth weren’t Solna’s mother and father though. They were family in that most people in the Enclave were related in some manner. The two of them had drawn the short straw for raising Solna after her mother abandoned her and ran off with a boy from a transport who might or might not have been Solna’s father. Solna didn’t think Josta would have accepted the responsibility if not for the support stipend that came with it. Krelvarth didn’t even care about that. His best quality was that as far as he was concerned Solna didn’t exist.

Solna wished more people were like Krelvarth.

“I keep expecting someone to catch us,” Solna said.

Rassi scuffed her foot on the floor. “I think they’re afraid of the reverse.”

“What do you mean?” Solna turned to study Rassi’s expression.

“Imagine if we did to them what we did to the Lich?” Rassi said, looking up to meet Solna’ gaze.

“We couldn’t though,” Solna said, puzzled at what Rassi was imagining. “They’d hear us coming the moment we landed.”

“Would they?” Rassi asked. “I know I’m loud. I can’t control myself like I should. Together though? When I’ve got you for balance?”

“That wouldn’t help?” Solna could see what would happen so clearly because there’d been so many times they’d tried to sneak off to catch a moment’s peace and so many times they’d been caught. How could Rassi think a silent assault on the Enclave would be anything but an unmitigated disaster?

“I lost track of you,” Rassi said simply.

“You what?”

“When we were sneaking past the Lich’s defenses? I couldn’t sense you. Not the whole time. And when I could, you were like the memory of a whisper.”

“So you were having problems sensing things?” Solna couldn’t make sense of what Rassi was saying. No matter how well they’d practiced their studies, neither one was ever unsure where the other was or how they were feeling.

“Not in the slightest,” Rassi said, shaking her head. “I could feel everything around us. All of the traps the Lich left. Ravas and Kelda. I could even tell where Goldie was!”

“But not me?” Solna felt an ache thud in her chest. “Did I do something wrong?”

The idea of losing her connection with Rassi was unthinkable. For as much as Solna had needed to protect Rassi over the years, there wasn’t anyone who Solna felt anywhere near as safe with.

No one else who she…

“No silly!” Rassi said, rolling her eyes and cutting off Solna’s train of thought. “You were perfect. You snuck past about a billion physical sensors and twice that many Xah constructs! And you made it look easy!”

“But you got by all of those things too?”

“I was with you.”

“But I wasn’t doing anything to cloak you. That would have been…”

It would have been a manipulation of the Xah.

The Force.


Solna had thought she was past that, but it turned out that a lifetime of indoctrination didn’t simply wash away cleanly in a few days.

“A corruption?” Rassi asked, a teasing tone in her voice. “Well no worries there Enclave girl. I did that all on my own.”

“What though? I mean how? You?” It would have been mean to call out Rassi like that after all of the trouble she’d had staying quiet in the Enclave, but Rassi was right. Solna hadn’t been doing anything to silence Rassi and somehow Rassi had slipped past the same traps Solna had.

“Yeah. Me,” Rassi said, one of the first prideful smiles that Solna had ever seen on her lighting up her face. “I was with you, so I could feel what you were doing.”

“You’re always with me though!”

Except she wasn’t.

The other kids tended to attack Rassi when she was alone. 

“I know, but I was always so afraid of disturbing the Xah that I was constantly fighting to be perfect. With you though, I didn’t have to be. I mean, yeah, we couldn’t really afford to mess things up, but the traps and stuff, they were fair. I was afraid of them but that was okay, so were you.”

Solna blinked. Had she been radiating fear? No. The traps would have definitely picked up on that. 

But she had been afraid.

“I could feel how you were letting your fear go, it didn’t ripple out into the Force, it just kind of blew through you like a gentle breeze.”

Was that what she’d been doing? Solna wasn’t sure, she hadn’t really been paying attention, just doing what she always did and letting…

She hadn’t been using the Force. She’d been letting it use her!


“Yeah. The Enclave doesn’t know how to do that,” Rassi said. “That was all you. You invented that on the fly.”

“No. No I didn’t,” Solna said, understanding reverberating through her as memories came together and shattered more than a few long held beliefs. “It wasn’t on the fly.”

“Uh, when did you figure it out then?” Rassi asked, it being her turn to be perplexed.

“I’ve always known,” Solna said, tiptoeing through her memories. “Or I worked out how to work with the Force without being noticed long enough ago that no one questioned it.”

“Are you sure? You always passed the tests the Honored’s gave us, and they were definitely watching for things like that.”

“I passed because I was cheating!” Solna said, chuckling at the idea.

And at the idea of who she’d been. 

Or who she’d thought she’d been.

“I was never a prodigy,” she said. “I just figured out how to trick everyone in thinking I was one.”

Rassi stared at her for a good long moment.

Then she took Solna by the shoulders and looked her directly in the eyes.

“Repeat what you just said,” Rassi instructed her.

“I’m not a prodigy. I cheated.” It was an oddly freeing concept.

“So. Let me get this straight. You think that figuring out a technique as, let’s say you were five standards at the time, figuring out a technique that fooled literally everyone in the entire Silent Enclave, include Honored Jolu and Primus May His Breath Be Damned DOLON. You think figuring out a technique like that somehow indicates that you are not absurdly amazing? Is that really the line of reasoning you’re going with.”

“Yes?” Solna had to admit that Rassi’s phrasing did highlight a few weak points in Solna’s argument.

“I see. So you’re a prodigy and a tremendous idiot. Gotcha. Just wanted to make sure.”

“Shut up! And wait, what about you? Miss Woe-Is-Me-I’m-So-Bad-With-the-Xah? You just watched me and figured out how to do the same thing that I probably spent a decade working on?”

“Well, yeah, cause I was thinking about. You did it all on reflex.”

“That doesn’t make it better!” Solna wasn’t even sure which side she was arguing for anymore.

“It totally does though!” Rassi said, gripping Solna’s shoulder tighter.

Though not tight enough to hurt.

Never tight enough to hurt.

“Listen, my point isn’t that you’re amazing. That’s just a fact,” Rassi relaxed a bit as she spoke. “My point is that we’re both a lot stronger than we imagined. A lot stronger than the Enclave would ever let us imagine ourselves to be.”

“Okay, sure, I can see that,” Solna said. It was a weird idea, much too far outside the bulk of her previous experiences, but those were all suspect given the things she’d learned about herself and about the Enclave.

“I don’t think we’re alone in that though,” Rassi said. “I think what we’ve learned is what anyone who leave the Enclave can learn. I think that’s why they left. They’re afraid of us.”

Solna laughed. Rassi was being serious but she was also out of her mind if she thought that Honored Jolu was ever going to be afraid of them.

“If you look out that empty space right there where a window used to be, you might notice that what’s left of the camp has been pretty thoroughly destroyed, right? I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that the Death Shadows who did all of that might, just might, have been a slightly bigger worry than the two of us.”

Rassi smiled.

It was a smile Solna had seen before. One that said Rassi had noticed something that Solna should have too.

“Yeah. About that. You know what’s kind of funny about that? When was the last time the Enclave even caught wind of the Death Shadows being on the same planet they were on? How about the last time there was an actual attack?”

“Do we even know if there ever was an attack?” Solna said, seeing where Rassi’s argument was leading.

“Nope. I mean, let’s give Jolu at least the benefit of the doubt and say there was. Even if so though, it has been a long time since the Death Shadows found where the Enclave was staying.”

“And a day after we left, they suddenly attack in full force. Yeah. Okay that is pretty weird.”

“Not weird. Terrifying. At least to Primus Donol, and probably every other Elder. And you know what they would have to be asking themselves?”

“Whether we called in the Death Shadows before we left.”

“And if we can do it again,” Rassi said, completing her thesis.

“Did we?” Solna asked, a sick bile rising in her stomach.

“What? No. Of course not,” Rassi said. “But they can’t know that.”

“We can’t either,” Solna said. “I hated it here right? I was the one who bent the Xah so that Nix found us and flew us away. How do we know I didn’t also call down the Shadows as retribution?”

Star Wars: Legacy of the Force – Ch 2

Nix awoke in Ayli’s arms. 

Which was a rather nice change of pace from the last however long it had been.

The splitting headache however suggested that things hadn’t gone quite how she’d hoped they would on their reunion.

“We’re being held captive, aren’t we?” she asked without opening her eyes.

Ayli ran her fingers through Nix’s hair.


“And they stunned us.”


“Even though we went along willingly.”


Nix sighed.

“I remember seeing it coming and thinking ‘oh well, this’ll be less hassle than the alternative’. That wasn’t a good thought was it?” Nix also remembered angling to take a bit more of the stun blast than Ayli, which explained why Ayli had woken up before her.

Or Ayli was simply used to getting stunned. Some of the stories of her childhood that Ayli had shared with her had rather horrific elements to them and building up resistance to stun blasts, either voluntarily or involuntarily seemed like it would fit right in.

“It was the right play,” Ayli said. “Trying to shield me was kind of silly, though I do appreciate it.”

“Where are we now?” Nix asked, opening her eyes to take in their surroundings.

Or that had been the plan.

Tearing her eyes off of Ayli after they’d been apart was more challenging than Nix had anticipated.

“We’re in ‘the Brig’, or in other words an unused storeroom on the rust bucket transport they picked us up in.” Ayli continued to stroke her fingers through Nix’s hair, the gentle smile on her face almost enough to make Nix miss the silver hue Ayli’s eyes had taken on.

“How are you feeling?” Nix asked, both in terms of the residual effect from the stun blast as well as her new ocular condition.

“Like I’m right where I want to be most of all in all the galaxy,” Ayli said.

Her touch had washed away the pain from the stun-induced headache without Nix even noticing it.

“Think they’re monitoring us?” Nix asked, sneaking a kiss onto Ayli’s forearm.

“Not with cameras or sound recorders,” Ayli said. “I don’t think they need to though. They are very skilled in using the Force.”

“They call it ‘the Xah’,” Nix said. “And they’re very specialized in how they interact with it.”

She filled Ayli in on what she’d learned about the Silent Enclave from Rassi and Solna, bringing Ayli up to speed on the two new additions to their life and how things had gone so far with the two girls.

“I spoke with Solna,” Ayli said. “Briefly. She seems to have formed a bond with you pretty quickly.”

“They’re alone in the galaxy now,” Nix said.

“My, I wonder how that feels,” Ayli said with more than a trace of self-deprecation.

She and Nix had both been left to fend for themselves at too young of an age, and they were of one mind about not allowing that to happen to anyone else on their watch.

“Also I sort of danced them into accepting that they’re worthy of being cared for,” Nix said, and explained the trial that Rassi and Solna had attempted and how she’d felt it was necessary to step in.

“I’m surprised you beat them at their own game. That sounds incredibly dangerous,” Ayli said. There wasn’t accusation in her tone. She understood why Nix had done what she had, she was simply impressed it had worked.

“I wanted the win more than they did,” Nix said. “Plus I figured Goldie would get me on med-gurney and bring me back if I went too far.”

“And then you left them with Monfi to go invade a Lich’s tomb?” Ayli asked, moving on to the teasing portion of their reunion.

“That was definitely not the plan,” Nix said. “My thought process was…”

“Pretty plain to see,” Ayli said. “You wanted Goldie, Rassi, and Solna as far from Praxis Mar as possible. In case you’re wondering that was absolutely the right decision to make.”

“It seems like it paid off in the end too,” Nix said. “I could feel the moment Paralus’s phylactery was destroyed and it felt a whole lot like Rassi and Solna were the ones who did it.”

“I’m only surprised it wasn’t Ravas who got there first,” Ayli said.

“She had to have been blocked away from it. Kelda too,” Nix said. “There’s no chance they would have let the girls get anywhere near the planet, much less the tomb if they hadn’t been out of other options.”

“I’m hoping they’re not still trapped,” Ayli said. “I’ve been expecting them to drop in and check on us any time now.”

“They probably can’t find us,” Nix said, noticing the unnatural serenity in the Force around them.

“This is what happened to you when you were in the Enclave’s encampment then, isn’t it?” Ayli asked. “I was wondering about that, but it feels so benign.”

“It largely is,” Nix said. “Apart from their leadership, I think the Enclave is largely non-hostile.”

“That doesn’t seem to be the experience our two new girls had,” Ayli said.

“Social violence and neglect can be inflicted very peacefully,” Nix said. “Some of that is due to the leadership of the Enclave, and some of it is just people being horrible like people will. Rassi didn’t fit in there and her parents had ‘caused trouble’ in the past so she was forever going to be the one they dumped their frustrations and anger onto. The effects meant to be shared by all of them though? Those wouldn’t be outlets for their darker emotions.”

“I seem to be missing mine, as a note,” Ayli said.

“Your darker emotions?” Nix asked.

“My Dark Side in general,” Ayli said. “She fought Paralus for us. Let Monfi and Bopo escape.  But she lost.”

“What does that mean for you, do you think?” Nix asked. “You still feel like you’re fully you, from what I can sense.”

“Oh, I am,” Ayli said. “And I don’t think you can kill a Dark Side like that. I don’t even know what would happen if you did? I’m guessing you’d just die? In this case though it feels more like my anger, and fear, and despair, are just taking a bit of a nap. When I think about what happened to Rassi and Solna for example, I know there should be anger there, but all I feel is a bit tired and distant.”

“How about when you think about the girls themselves?” Nix asked.

“That’s much easier, and its mostly delight and anticipation,” Ayli said. “They sound so brave. I can’t wait to meet them properly.”

“Once we get this wrapped up, that’ll be our first order of business,” Nix said, imagining a dozen different scenarios for how that might play out, all with the same lingering question behind them.

“So does this mean we’re starting a family then?” Ayli asked, thinking along similar tracks to Nix.

“I…we’ve never talked about that have we?” Nix asked, self-conscious that she’d never thought about it enough to even know what her desires were up until then.

“We haven’t, largely because I don’t think it occurred to either of us that it might be something that would ever come up.”

“And, so of course, it has,” Nix said, shaking her head at how the Force seemed to be extremely adept at placing her in situations where she did not know the right answer.

Mechanics joked about wanting to have the Parts Manual for life, and Nix’s answer had always been that you wrote your own Life Parts Manual, but that answer was not exactly comforting when faced with the truly serious decisions life threw at her.

“And so it has,” Ayli said. “So are you going to ask me about it?”

“I’m trying to figure out how to phrase things so that you’re free to answer how you truly feel,” Nix said.

“I suggest using words, any of them will probably do, and then trusting that I will be honest about my feelings with you,” Ayli said, planting a quick kiss on the tip of Nix’s nose.

“You’ve already thought about this, haven’t you?” Nix asked, suspicion over how much longer Ayli had been awake forming in her mind.

“I have,” Ayli said. “But that’s not asking me about it.”

“No, no it’s not,” Nix said, a slow smile spreading across her face as an opportunity she’d been almost too slow to grasp occurred to her.

Reluctantly, she shifted out of Ayli’s arms. 

“Let’s do this properly then,” she said, rising enough to be kneeling across from where Ayli was sitting.

“Captain Ayli’wensha, would you like to make a family with me,” Nix asked.

A bright spark of joy lit up in Ayli’s eyes but before she could answer the storeroom door was thrown open and Tovos, backed by four other members of the Silent Enclave, stared at them from behind raised blasters.

Nix groaned, but Ayli just rolled her eyes.

“The time has come,” Tovos said. “We will be landing in five minutes. You will be taken to face judgment as soon as have joined the others.”

“Good, good,” Nix said, with a distinct lack of patience or kindness in her voice. “I think I’m in the mood for a bit of judgment at the moment.”

“Don’t make us stun you again,” Tovos said, shifting his grip on his blaster rifle.

“We didn’t make you stun us before,” Nix said.

“You were attempting to corrupt the Xah,” one of the other guards, Felgo, said.

“Oh? Is that the argument we’re going to have?” Nix asked.

“These probably aren’t the people we need to speak with about that,” Ayli said, laying a restraining hand on Nix’s arm.

Nix didn’t have a lightsaber. And she wasn’t going to use the Force to attack any of the people before her. Not with Force Lightning, or even with the milder Force Push. It was still good however that Ayli had reminded Nix to hold back. One does not work as a ship’s mechanic without learning how to brawl a bit after all and the sprocket heads in front of her seemed to be dearly in need of some ‘percussive maintenance’.

“You’re going to come with us,” Tovos said.

“That does seem to be the general plan,” Nix said, feeling a trifle bad for the boy.

By age, Tovos was theoretically an adult, but from a life lived inside the confines of a recluse cult, he hadn’t yet managed to develop any of the maturity that was supposed to come with adulthood. That he was in over his head was clear and Nix guessed it wasn’t a question of ‘was’ that going to drive him to bad decisions but rather ‘how many’ bad decisions he would make and ‘would Nix be able to mitigate the fallout well enough’.

That thought helped her relax a bit.

She’d been in stressful situations, and been over her head drowning in unfamiliar responsibilities before and the last thing she, or Tovos, needed was someone goading them into worse mistakes than the ones they’d make naturally.

Nix held to that thought as the junker freighter descended through an unfamiliar sky, rumbling with the thirty seven different critical repairs it needed (Nix counted) but landing safely nonetheless.

Unfortunately that was where their safety ended.

“This isn’t good,” Felgo said. “I’m not getting a beacon reading.”

“Is the new encampment set up?” Tovos asked.

“No…wait, yes, partially,” Felgo said.

“And the ships? Where are they?” Tovos asked.

“I’m not seeing anything on telemetry,” Felgo said.

“That’s because they’re not here,” another Enclave member, Bortos, said. “They cleared a landing area, but it’s empty.”

Nix looked out the viewport and saw exactly what Bortos was talking about.

It wasn’t the encampment she’d visited, but she recognized a few of the tents which had been erected. The rest of the encampment was simply missing though, and the large open area where ships could land was devoid of machinery entirely.

What lay before them weren’t ruins.

And they weren’t empty.

Star Wars: Legacy of the Force – Ch 1

Desolation. What had once been a modern galactic encampment outside a profitable tradeport was nothing but smoking empty ruins. The tradeport hadn’t fared much better, but unlike the encampment, there were bodies in the tradeport. 

And survivors.

The presence of any living beings were largely due to the spirits of the dead which prowled the tradeport’s streets, searching for those in need. Of rescue or retribution.

“I can’t sense anyone else here,” Rassi said, fiddling with an onyx crystal in her left hand.

She wished it was a lightsaber despite the fact that she had never held one of the jedi laser swords, and had no idea how to fight with one.

Nor anyone to fight.

Not any longer.

The spirits of the dead who had travelled inside it across the stars at her behest were out roaming the shatter tradeport rending what aid and comfort ghostly revenants were capable of providing.

“I think the Praxians drove off the last of the Death Shadows,” Solna said. She held one of the crystals too, and hers was as empty as Rassi’s was.

“This wasn’t what we expected to find, but it seems it was good that arrived when we did,” Kelda said, materializing beside the two girls. 

“Though it would have been better if we could have gotten here sooner,” Ravas said.

They made an odd quartet, each of them visibly an outsider from the other three. Rassi was the largest and darkest by far. Solna was lighter in skin tone and by far the frailest in physique. Kelda was closer to the median for human physiology, and despite her aged appearance seemed spry and healthy enough, if one discounted the pale limbus of blue light surrounding her which announced her ghostly state. And then there was Ravas, whose horns announced her a Zabrak and who lacked Kelda’s ghostly aura despite being every bit as much a projection from the Force as Kelda was.

The bonds between the four weren’t visible, at least not to those without a familiarity with them or a deep connection to the Force, but they were present and grower rapidly stronger.

“We should have taken the Halzen Route,” Goldie said, her mechanical voice emerging from a comm device on Rassi’s belt.

“I don’t think so,” Solna said, her eyes gone distant and searching. “I don’t think it would have gotten us here before the Enclave left.”

Rassi went still, listening as Solna was listening, finding echoes of the past in the Force and whispers of alternate presents they had stepped aside from.

“She’s right,” Rassi said. “The Enclave left here before they captured Nix and Ayli.”

“They knew these Death Shadows were coming then,” Ravas said, not so much asking as testing out the idea.

“Your people are familiar with the Death Shadows?” Kelda asked, listening to the Force for whispers far more distant than the ones Rassi or Solna were searching for.

“They’re not our people,” Solna said. “Not anymore.”

Rassi cast her a glance and a nod of agreement. She would never have guessed that Solna would make a statement like that, but the change in Solna’s outlook had been building for years it seemed. Possibly even longer than the change in Rassi’s had.

The Silence Enclave had raised them, but despite the near continual brainwashing, had shunned and ostracised the girls in just the right manner to place fatal cracks in the foundations of unquestioning belief the Enclave had tried to inflict on Rassi and Solna.

There was also the small matter of Nix’s open gift of acceptance and support, not to mention the fact that Nix had damn near killed herself to show both Rassi and Solna that they were worthy of love and that they things they’d seen as flaws in themselves were unique strengths that were worth cherishing no matter what the Silent Enclave had taught them.

Which was why Rassi and Solna had convinced a small army of living, mechanical, and dead people to come with them to rescue Nix and Ayli from the clutches of the Enclave’s team who had apprehended them on Praxis Mar and dragged them off to face the Enclave’s justice.

It hadn’t been particularly difficult to convince any of their little army to come along of course.

Especially not Goldie, who viewed Nix and Ayli as her mothers and had been ready to drop in with guns blazing until Ravas had pointed out that they needed survivors to make sure they could find where Nix and Ayli were being kept.

As it had turned out though, finding survivors was far more challenging than they’d expected it to be.

“We were told stories about the Death Shadows,” Rassi said. “The Elders said they were worse than the Jedi, or sometimes they said they were a secret arm of the Jedi.”

“Looking back I can’t believe how much contradictory stuff they shoveled at us,” Solna said.

“They were always consistent about the Death Shadows being one of the reasons we had to stay hidden though,” Rassi said.

“Supposedly, the Death Shadows were manipulators of the Xah who became corrupt and sold their talents to the criminal cartels,” Solna said. “They were always on the look out for us, because we are the only ones who can see them, and the only ones who can report on their crimes.”

“No one had ever seen one of them though, so I always thought they were just stories to scare us into being quiet like they wanted us to be,” Solna said.

“Apparently not,” Ravas said. “From what we can see here, the Death Shadows are quite thorough in destroying things connected to the Enclave.”

“Even if that connection is tangential at best,” Kelda said her gaze returning to their immediate surroundings.

“Not to be a heartless mechanical monster, but the Death Shadows seem to be someone else’s problem, especially since the don’t seem to want to tangle with the Praxians. So shouldn’t we be trying to work out where my Moms are?” Goldie asked.

“Oh, we know where they are,” Kelda said. “They’re clearly with the Silent Enclave. The question is where did the Enclave go, which the Death Shadows might be able to help us uncover,” Kelda said, frowning in concentration.

“How can you be sure they’re with the Enclave?” Goldie asked.

“Because we can’t sense where they are and that’s normally impossible,” Ravas said. “To date it’s happened in only two circumstances.”

“When Ayli was shrouded in the Dark Side by the Lich,” Kelda said.

“And they clearly dealt with him before they left Praxis Mar,” Ravas said.

“And when Nix last visited the Silent Enclave,” Kelda said.

“But you’re sure their okay? I mean, that they’re still alive?” Goldie asked, the worry in her voice every bit as genuine as it would have been in an organic sapient.

“Definitely,” Ravas said. “Neither of them seems to be tremendously happy but they are still among the living.”

“How do we make sure they stay like that?” Goldie asked.

“We find them,” Kelda said. “Though at this stage, I suspect we may need help in that endeavor.”

“I’m willing to pitch in whatever I can, but I don’t know how much use I’ll be,” Archivist Bopo said.

Rassi wasn’t sure why the elderly Galruxian been willing to come with them on the trip to the Silent Enclave but she suspected it was some sort of trauma response to the events Bopo had recently been put through.

Which more or less made her a part of their odd little club.

Once they had rescued Ayli and Nix and had time to settle down, Rassi suspected they were all going to need an awful lot of mediation to reclaim the balance and sanity they were so had so clearly lost.

“An Archivist might be exactly what we need,” Ravas said. “Nix came to you for help in finding the hidden Force traditions who’d survived the Imperial purges, correct?”

“And the Jedi purges,” Bopo said. “Not all Force traditions play nicely with others after all.”

“As our current surroundings beat witness too,” Kelda said.

Rassi wasn’t sure if the Death Shadows were a Force tradition though. What the Enclave had taught her about them had too many inconsistencies, and just felt off somehow.

Since that characterized most of the information she’d learned from the Silent Enclave though, so couldn’t say it was all that surprising.

“If you were able to assemble a data set of likely locations where a set of Force users might be hiding out, it would perhaps behoove us to check the nearest other locations on that list,” Ravas said.

“What makes you think they might be close by?” Monfi asked, as the four Padal Horizon Knights strolled into the small clearing in the rubble which remained of the Enclave’s encampment. They were carrying various supplies which they’d managed to scavenge from the city and assemble into survival packets for the remaining survivors.

“They were prepared to leave and that’s most easily done when you’re destination is already decided upon,” Ravas said. “It should be nearby as that would allow them to check on its condition with greater frequency, and they would be the most exposed while they were in transit so a shorter trip would provide them with the quickest return to security.”

“They never told us about a place we would flee to,” Solna said. “But they did insist that everyone be ready to flee at a single command from the Council of Elders, or the Primus.”

“I seem to recall that the Primus wasn’t in much condition to issue orders when we left here,” Ravas said.

“What happened to him?” Lasha asked, setting off a hover flare to mark the location where the supplies were being collected.

“Nix happened to him,” Ravas said. “I believe he tried to kill her with the Force and she took offense to that. Toppled a building on him and set him on fire if I’m remembering correctly.”

“I thought she was the nice one?” Nulo asked.

“A lot of people think that after meeting her,” Kelda said.

“And after they get to know her?” Lasha asked.

“Pretty much the same,” Ravas asked. “Her pirate girlfriend was convinced she was a marshmallow, I think right up until Nix electrocuted her and then kidnapped her.”

“Pirate ex-girlfriend, and it was for Sali’s own good,” Kelda said.

“Should I be calling her in too? Aunt Sali and Aunt Zin?” Goldie asked. 

“You already did, didn’t you?” Ravas asked.

“Well, yes, but if you’d like I could tell them to hide that and say they just stumbled across us randomly,” Goldie said.

“We need to work on the timing of when you ask for permission for things,” Kelda said. “But in this case, Saliandris and Zindiana may have valuable information as well.”

“Saliandris is the pirate?” Lasha asked.

“Pirate-Queen,” Goldie said. “She was between thrones for a bit, but Aunt Zin says a throne’s really the only chair that suits her.”

“Never thought we’d be working with undead Force spirits, pirates, and Force Shadows,” Monfi said. “Also never thought we’d manage to take out a monster like Paralus though, so I suppose I can’t complain.”

“We’re not working with the Death Shadows,” Rassi said. “Not after what they did to the tradeport. Those people were innocents.”

“Most of the Enclave is too,” Solna said. “The Enclave is horrible but most of the people in it can’t see that. They’ve never had the chance.”

“Forgive me,” Monfi said. “I wasn’t referring to the Death Shadows. I was referring to the two of you.”

“We’re shadows?” Rassi asked.

“You slid past traps and wards setup by a centuries old Lich of unfathomable power,” Monfi said. “If you fell to the Dark Side, I’m not sure if there’s anyone in the galaxy who would be safe from you.”

Which, Rassi saw, was why the Silent Enclave was really hiding. 

Star Wars: Mysteries of the Force – Ch 40

Praxis Mar did not settle down. Nor did it became a beacon of peace and light. The planet had been a Dark Side Nexus for centuries and billions of souls had been trapped in torment within it. No single act was going to make it ‘nice’ place, no grand deed would restore balance or erase the pain the souls there had suffered.

But that didn’t mean it wasn’t becoming better than it had been. 

In small pockets, bit by tiny bit, the lost souls of Praxis Mar began to find their way.

Nix and Ayli were a part of that, if only one small one. It wasn’t with Force powers or mighty battles that they worked to restore Praxis Mar’s balance though.

In a small clearing of long petrified trees, they sat and shared stories with the Hendel and other shades who were searching for a path towards a new tomorrow.

“I thought things would be easier after we won,” Hendel said, still a skeleton, but looking somehow more lively than he had before.

“There’s still a lot of spirits who are clinging to the Dark Side are there?” Nix asked.

“There are,” a spirit so faded that they’d lost all semblance of what their original being looked like.

“And they’re gaining ground in some places too,” a spirit who had to have been a child when they perished said.

“That’s a good sign, believe it or not,” Ayli said. She was leaning with her back against a short stump which Nix was sitting on.

“How could that be good?” the faded spirit asked, too weary for there to be any pain in its voice.

“Healing isn’t a linear process. You go back and forth, and a lot of people will resist and cling to what they’ve known even if its only brought them misery,” Ayli said, her voice taking on a quality not unlike Kelda’s had held when Ayli first heard those words.

“I don’t know that I have the strength to fight against that though,” the faded spirit said.

“You don’t need to fight,” Nix said. “At this point, finding what peace and balance within yourself is more than enough.”

“I thought we were all in this together? Isn’t that one of the things the Jedi say?” the child spirit asked, the centuries of their existence lending them a decidedly non-childlike air.

“I haven’t heard a Jedi specifically say that,” Nix said. “I sort of suspect they missed that point in their later teaching too since it seems like they tended to get sent out as solo or duo troubleshooters.”

“But you’re a Jedi?” the child said.

“I’ve studied some of the Jedi arts,” Nix said. “And I’ve trained with a Jedi, of sorts, but that doesn’t make a Jedi anymore than learning to speak Rhodian makes me one of them.”

“What we’re telling you comes from our own experiences,” Ayli said. “It’s not a holy writ. The answers you find to the problems here will definitely be different than ours and that’s fine. You have a whole different set of needs and priorities than we do.”

“And you’ve been through experiences we can only imagine,” Nix said. “What you can do? What’s going to resonate with you and give you the motivation to keep going? That’s going to be unique to who you are.”

“Our stories are just meant to give you ideas for things that might work for you,” Ayli said.

“And at least a few examples of what is possible,” Nix said. “Maybe that’ll help?”

“I think it has been,” Hendel said. “Some of our other listeners have wandered away and at least a few of them have been talking with other people.”

“He’s right,” the faded spirit said, sounding at least slightly more substantial. “The first promise you made, the dream of people coming here and bringing our stories to light? That spread all on its own. It was sort of whispered from one of us to the next. This feels much more substantial though. Before it was a beautiful dream in a sea of endless nightmare. Now though, you’re here, and you’re real, and you’re can’t be wished away like a dream.”

“What I don’t understand is why we’re not all simply fading away?” the child spirit said. “I mean, we’ve been dead for an aeon. Our time is passed. Shouldn’t we be moving on? Isn’t there some afterlife we’re supposed to be in?”

“I don’t know,” Nix said. “I’ve never been dead.”

“There are as many beliefs about the afterlife as their are stars in the galaxy,” Ayli said. “It’s a pretty fascination area of study – I had an elective in it during my second year – in your case though I’m wondering if its because you’re simply not ready.”

“After all this time, we’re not ready?” Hendel asked.

“Some of you probably are,” Nix said. “I suspect if you could do a census, you’d find that a lot of people have passed into the Force already. For a lot of you though? Well, tell me if this sounds right – you weren’t ready to die when you did? And the years spent trapped her didn’t exactly leave you feeling fulfilled? After so long, I think it would be pretty natural to hang on to this existence both because you still want more out of this world and because you were held here so long that its become a somewhat natural state for you.”

“Is that what we should be trying to fix?” the faded spirit asked.

“That’s your decision,” Nix said. “Though I don’t think it’s a case of ‘fixing’ anything. You’re here now because it’s what’s working for you. You’re not broken for being here. Going on to what comes next is something  that will happen when you’re ready.”

“Do you think we can be hurt like this?” the child spirit asked.

“Oh, definitely,” Ayli said. “You can think and reason, there’s plenty of disappointments and heartbreak that leaves you open to.”

“If you mean via Force powers, that’s probably possible too,” Nix said. “You were right to be careful about confronting Paralus – who knows what kind of nonsense techniques he’d worked out.”

“That makes it seem like going into the Force, or whatever happens next, is the only thing that would keep us safe?” the child spirit said.

“Well, there is at least one other thing that’ll keep you safe,” Nix said.

“You?” the faded spirit asked.

“I was thinking of something that could make a slightly bigger impact on anyone who tried to mess with the people here,” Nix said and nodded upwards at the Beast which towered over them like a mobile mountain range.

“Oh,” the child spirit said. “You think it would protect us?”

“It didn’t swat Paralus because it’s uninterested in what’s happening here,” Ayli said. “I get the sense that it hasn’t been happy with what happened to its world for a long time now.”

“Why didn’t it do something earlier then?” Hendel asked. “When all the other terrible people came here?”

“Why didn’t you?” Nix asked.

“Because there wasn’t any point,” Hendel said. “Or it didn’t feel like there was.”

“I know its a lot bigger than any of us, but to the Force, size doesn’t really matter,” Nix said. “It’s mind boggling huge and powerful but it has a heart the same as we do.”

“Point of clarification; I do not in fact have a heart, or any other vital organs,” Hendel said, gesturing to his skeletal form.

“Come on, you were trained in Force stuff,” Nix said with an encouraging smile, “you know we’re more than this crude matter.” She tapped Hendel’s surprisingly solid bones. “I hang out with ghosts regularly who are deeply in love with each other. Let me assure you, your heart remains long after all the solid bits of you are back to being stardust.”

“So you think we’ll be safe for now then?” the child spirit asked.

“I think so,” Nix said. “There’s going to be turmoil on Praxis Mar for a while, but I don’t think any of this would be happening if the planet, and the Force in general, wasn’t ready to start healing from what had happened.”

“Took it long enough!” the faded spirit said. “Look at me, there’s almost nothing left!”

“Yeah, it sucks it took that long,” Ayli said. “And it sucks that the apocalypse here happened in the first place. Life’s like that.”

“If it all sucks, why bother with it?” the child spirit asked.

“It sucking is why we bother,”  Ayli said. “If the world was perfect, we wouldn’t need to do anything. The parts that suck are the parts where we can make a difference.”

“That doesn’t always work out all that well,” Hendel said. “I say that from direct personal experience.”

“Oh, trust me, I’ve been there too,” Ayli said. “Sometimes we try and fail and we pay a horrible price. And sometimes its someone else who pays.”

“Which brings us back to the question of why bother?” Hendel asked.

“Because sometimes, a lot of times really, if we don’t try, things will be even worse. Sometimes, even if we fail, paying the price ourselves ensures that someone else doesn’t have to.”

“And failure isn’t always the end,” Nix said. “Just because things don’t work out when we try to make the world a better place doesn’t mean it never can be. Or that we can’t learn and try again, smarter and stronger the next time.”

“Is there anything we can really do though?” the faded spirit asked. “We can’t touch the world like you can, so changing it seems like a bit of a stretch.”

“Ideas can’t speak for themselves and they change the world all the time,” Ayli said. “So I’d say there there’s still quite a lot you can do. For example, give me a month or so to setup the grants and there’ll be a whole squad of archeologists out here who will be desperate to interview you for the next several decades.”

“Why would they want to talk to us?” the child spirit asked.

“There have been genocides throughout history and even world’s swept clean of life,” Ayli said. “So much have been lost as whole societies fell. You, all of you, represent a chance to not only reclaim a world of lost history but also understand how a planetary apocalypse can happen and, maybe, just maybe, how to avoid ones in the future.”

“There are going to be people here who don’t want their stories to come out,” Hendel said.

“Helping them move past their guilt and shame will take time,” Nix said. “And there’ll be some that we’ll probably never convince. Someone who will move on before sharing their stories.”

“And that’s fine!” Ayli said. “We can never have a complete view of history. To get even one of your stories though? From you? That’s priceless in my field.”

“Will you be here with us?” the child spirit asked.

“Eventually,” Nix said. “We’ll be back.”

“Where will you go?” Hendel asked.

“We don’t know,” Ayli said.

“It’s going to depend on where they take us,” Nix said.

“They who?” Hendel asked.

“Our friends from the Silent Enclave,” Ayli said. “The ones who’ve been here for about an hour now.”

“But we’re alone?” the faded spirit said.

“No, we’re not,” the child spirit said, freezing into stillness.

From the shadows around them an armed group of a warriors from the Silent Enclave stepped forward.

“You sensed us?” Tovos, the first Silent Enclave member Nix had met, asked.

“You’re very good,” Nix said. “But your emotions are conflicted.”

“We are here to bring you back to face justice,” Tovos said.

“I know,” Nix said. “I thought at first that we would be done with you. It didn’t seem like you valued Rassi very much and pursuing us couldn’t have been easy. But this is about more than Rassi isn’t it. Your Elders want to have a word with me, don’t they?”

“A trial,” Tovos said.


When Rassi and Solna landed on Praxis Mar it was somehow both more horrifying and more comforting than they’d expecting.

“It’s changing,” Ravas said, a note of awe in her voice.

“So are you,” Kelda said.

“What? How?” Ravas asked.

“Your eyes,” Kelda said, a quiet joy in her voice. “They’re the ones I fell in love with.”

“This place is a maelstrom,” Monfi said.

“Yes,” Lasha said. “A good one. The turmoil, it’s been too long delayed. The Dark Side’s hold is unraveling after, ugh, far too long for me to see.”

“I think we have your friends to thank for that,” Hendel said, hesitantly coming around a corner. “That is if you know Ayli and Nix.”

“We do,” Rassi said. “Where are they?”

“We don’t know,” the faded spirit said.

“They were taken away by shadows with guns,” the child spirit said. “They’re going to be put on trial and Expunged?”

“NO!” Rassi said. “No they won’t. Not if I have anything to say about it.”

“Not if we have anything to say about it,” Ravas said, glowing with a new found light.

Behind them a disturbingly large host of Force users and spirits looking to vent centuries of rage began to assemble. 

End of Book 2

Our Story Will Continue in Book 3 – Star Wars: Legacy of the Force

Star Wars: Mysteries of the Force – Ch 39

Rassi stood in the wreckage of a tomb, breath spent, limbs shaking from exertion and for a moment all she could do was look for more things to break.

“I think we did it,” Solna said, sounding just as tired as Rassi felt. Around them the broken detritus of a hundred random bits of tech lay strewn across a floor covered in darkened dust.

“Why do I still feel like we should set a proton torpedo to go off in here then?” Rassi asked.

They’d found the Lich’s Phylactery. Ravas was still trapped in the spirit sealing crystal, the adults were also trapped behind a series of Explosive Shield Walls, but those were problems with easy solutions given that they no longer had to worry about an all-powerful Force Aberration showing up to telekinetically rip them limb from limb. 

Rassi shook again at the notion.

They had been so, so very lucky. She’d sensed the Force traps in place in the room where the phylactery lay. She and Solna had snuck around so many of them but when it came time to destroy the Lich’s most precious possession there hadn’t been any choice but to trigger so many of the alarms on it. 

The Force had been with them though and, Rassi suspected, someone else had worked very hard to hold Paralus’ attention so that their work could be completed.

Someone Rassi owed an unimaginable about of gratitude too.

Someone she was determined should never have to see the room where the phylactery lay.

“Because even without the phylactery intact this place is still just wrong,” Solna said, scowling at the resounding screams which continued to ring out around them.

“How do we fix it?” Rassi asked.

Stomping the phrik-encased phylactery to dust had been challenging, and had involved listening for quite a while until they found the proper frequency to “corrupt the Xah” on in order to begin shattering the pulsing red crystal that was the Lich’s true heart.

Rassi smiled at the thought that even Solna wasn’t considering what they had done to be a “corruption” of the Xah. The misery and despair around them served as too clear of an example of what a corruption of the Xah actually looked like.

What they had done – destructive though it had been – was as “corrupt” as house cleaning. You didn’t want to get the chemicals on your hands while you were sanitizing a rest room and you didn’t want to use the Force as they’d done for normal purposes, but in both cases the tool fit the job and did what was needed.

“The rest isn’t for you to fix,” Kelda said, apparating beside them. “This place is a wound, and wounds take time to heal.”

“Will we need to stay here to keep it clean?” Rassi asked.

“I don’t think Nix or Ayli will be inclined to let you linger here a moment longer than necessary,” Kelda said. She flickered away for a long moment and then returned. “Oh and they both want me to tell you that they’re incredibly proud of you.”

“They’re okay?” Solna asked.

“They’re speaking with a continent at the moment, so, tentatively we’ll go with ‘yes’ I think,” Kelda said.

“This is unusual for you, isn’t it?” Solna asked, finding a spot on the floor to flump down onto

“Singularly so,” Kelda said, examining the remains of the phylactery and noting the intricate design work which had been etched into the phrik.

“And you’ve been around for a thousand years?” Solna caught Rassi’s eye and patted the ground as an invitation to sit beside her, which Rassi gratefully accepted.

“In one sense, yes, in other I’m not much older than I appear.” Kelda picked up a handful of dust which had once been a crystal filled with living power.

“And this all is still weird though, right?” Solna asked before dropping her head onto Rassi’s shoulder.

“In my experience? In my research and reading? In my general understanding? Yes to all of those,” Kelda said. She continued to study the dust but Rassi knew she wasn’t going to find any trace of Paralus there. 

The Lich’s departure from the living world had been all too easy to sense as the storm within each the grains of dust had settled into stillness.

In breaking the phylactery, they hadn’t slain the Lich. Paralus was still embodied in the construct he’d created on Praxis Mar. Right up until he wasn’t. 

Rassi didn’t know the specifics of what had happened, but she knew it had to have involved a massive amount of damage inflicted all at once from the shockwave that had passed through the shattered phylactery.

She’d sensed the moment when the Lich’s spirit had tried to jump back to the artificial anchor which held it within the living world only to find that anchor lost. 

There’d been a moment of transcendent beauty, the briefest of flashes of something far greater and grander than anything Rassi should ever have been able to perceive, and then the Lich was gone, and the remnants of its phylactery nothing more than very old refuse.

Rassi had kept on breaking things for a while after that, determined to be sure that there should be no secret bolt holes and refuges left open for the Lich to flee back to from the afterlife.

But there hadn’t been. Rassi was still nervous and shaking about the Lich returning, but there hadn’t been any fallback options that they’d missed. 

They’d done it. As the first thing in their new lives, she and Solna had helped end one of the greatest “corruptions of the Xah” and one of the greatest evils she could imagine.

“That’s a relief then. I was afraid this was going to be an everyday sort of thing,” Solna said.

“I believe you’ll find life to be noticeably quieter than this,” Kelda said, settling down to sit against the wall opposite the one Rassi and Solna were on.

That sounded comforting and very peaceful.

But Rassi surprised herself.

“We’ve had silence for a long time,” she said. “What if we wanted to be loud for a change?”

“Oh, that can most certainly be arranged,” Ravas said, looking somewhat worse for the wear but free from her crystal confinement at last.


Goldie wasn’t supposed to worry. She’d had herself outfitted with more munitions than even her mother’s knew about in an effort to feel like she could contribute when they inevitably got in trouble. Somehow that had only made things worse though since it introduced another set of actions she knew could only be exercised at the proper moment and determining when that moment was stood as another cause for concern.

She chased her thoughts around in maddening little logic circles like that until she finally had everyone she’d been entrusted with back on board.

Then she’d asked then one or two questions.

“It’s been four hours, believe me, there are no more details any of us can recall,” Solna said.

“You have drones, don’t you?” Rassi asked. “Maybe next time we can bring one with us?”

“Oh, that could have been handy,” Solna said. “You could have blasted right through the stone gate that separated us for a few minutes there.”

“My drones are unarmed,” Goldie admitted with regret.

“They’re unarmed for now,” Ravas said, clearly having no interest in playing the ‘good influence’ in this instance.

“Mom says arming the drones will lead me into more situations where I need to fix things by shooting them,” Goldie said, knowing Nix would not be thrilled with adding even stunners to the drones, much less the sort of ordinance needed to blast through stone walls.

“Nix is right about that,” Kelda said. “Yet, she also does carry a lightsaber. Usually anyways.”

“I could mount cutting torches with a lot more power than a lightsaber,” Goldie said.

“It’s not the power that gets you into trouble or out of it,” Ravas said. “Having options can make all the difference sometimes though. At least up to a point.”

“She’s not wrong about that,” Monfi said. “I’m thinking our next stop, once we get our ship back, is going to be a shopping trip. I need a lot more tools if we’re going to go poking around in places like that again.”

“Umm, about that,” Kelda said.

“Oh, I know, there’s always a practical limit to the tools you can bring with you,” Monfi said. “There’s a lot of miniaturized tech out there though that is very portable.”

“That’s not what she’s referring to,” Lasha said, narrowing her gaze in what Goldie knew to be justified suspicion.

“Nix wanted to tell you herself, but asked that I pass along her assurances that she’ll repair or replace what’s left of your ship once she’s able to find it.”

“Find it? What happened to our ship?” Monfi asked.

“It seemed to have been swallowed by the planet,” Kelda said.

“We’re going to a planet that swallows ships?” Solna asked, sitting up straighter at the idea.

“Wouldn’t be the first one,” Nulo said, to which Moffvok huffed in agreement.

“Maybe we should keep traveling with them?” Rassi said, glancing over to Solna who’d been in rather surprising agreement in Goldie’s estimation with the idea that they wanted something other than a ‘quiet life’.

After a year spent with few responsibilities and only infrequent and mostly planetary trips, Goldie felt like something of a traitor for agreeing with them. 

She could understand the principals of peace and calm which Kelda and Ravas taught, and while Goldie wasn’t exactly ‘Force capable’, she was able to appreciate how it had helped both Nix and Ayli with their training.

But it was boring.

And she didn’t want to go back to boring.

“From the repairs Nix described needing to do, I suspect we’ll all be traveling together for a while longer,” Kelda said. “Unless Masters Lasha and Monfi wish to continue their work separately.”

“Rule number Two of being a Horizon Knight,” Monfi said. “Don’t turn away those who can help.”

“What’s rule number One?” Rassi asked.

“Don’t turn away from those who need help,” Nulo said.

“I think we could get behind that,” Solna said.

“I don’t know if we want to be Horizon Knights though,” Rassi said. “No offense meant there though!”

Moffvok chuffed again, a laugh this time according to Goldie’s translation database and said, “Don’t worry, you’re too old,” which Nulo then translated.

“Too old?” Solna asked, looking back and forth between Rassi and herself.

“The Jedi would have said the same thing,” Kelda said.

“The idea is to start laying in the principals the tradition is founded on so that they’re part of the Jedi’s, or Horizon Knight’s it seems, core identity,” Ravas said. “There were still Jedi who fell to the Dark Side, but that was often the result of extraordinary circumstances or specifically targeted campaigns of manipulation.” She reflected a moment before adding, “Or the fallen was simply really really stupid.”

“I think it’s rather the reverse,” Kelda said. “The only Jedi I know who fell did so because she was too much smarter than the ones who were trying to train her. She could see all the problems in the Order at the time and none of the masters who were supposed to be able to answer her questions were able to communicate the love that was meant to underpin the strictures of the code we were supposed to follow.”

“I thought Jedi weren’t allowed to love?” Nulo asked.

“So did I,” Ravas said.

“So did a lot of people,” Kelda said. “I think it’s more accurate to say that to be a Jedi requires that you be able to love fully. That means not letting fear wear a mask of love and control you, or anger, or despair.”

“And it means being able to love yourself even in the face of your worst mistakes. The moment you give up on that, that’s when you truly fall to the Dark Side.” Ravas threaded her fingers throw Kelda’s, who nodded in agreement.

“Then maybe we should be Jedi,” Solna said and took Rassi’s hand in hers too.

Goldie noticed the spike in Solna’s heart rate and the calm, warm smile that spread across Rassi’s face, which even as a machine intelligence, was not hard to interpret.

Star Wars: Mysteries of the Force – Ch 38

It was neither the time nor the place for a cheesy pickup line.

“I can understand people having a crush on you, but this is where I draw the line,” Ayli said, going with one anyways.

Above her and Nix, a literal mountain of stone had been dropped on the temple they were in.

“Your timing is impeccable,” Nix said, gazing up from where she’d fallen at Ayli who picked up a slight case of ‘glowing with unrestrained light’. The light was gentle and warm and shone from every part of her being, except her eyes. Her beautiful silver eyes. 

The was no darkness in Ayli’s eyes anymore. No sign of the red and gold scars on her soul that her descent in darkness madness had inflicted. 

She wasn’t whole, or redeemed though. 

She was healing. 

In time, Ayli knew her natural blues would return but while she was in her current state of grace, her eyes took on a hue to give back to others the light within her.

“I was kind of hoping to join you a bit sooner than this,” Ayli said, holding both arms aloft as the mountain continue to bear slowly down on them. “I had to recruit a few new friends first though.”

“I can see that,” Nix said. Tearing her eyes off Ayli wasn’t easy – they hadn’t been apart terribly long, but being apart at all had filled Nix with a hunger which had grown steadily without her noticing it. As Ayli had said though, they were far from alone.

Which was good.

Size didn’t matter to the Force, but levitating a mountain was just a tiny little bit beyond either of their skill at communing with the Force.

The thousand risen souls who had torn free from the Maw with Ayli though? That was a very different story.

“NO! There will be no rebellion! There will be no lie of hope, no disorder. All with return to the darkness!” Paralus was afraid. 

And he was right to be.

Which meant he was finally done with hiding his power, or allowing the Dark Side to bring him victory at no personal cost to himself.

Ayli felt another mountain’s worth of weight bear down on them and the air grew sharp with the tang of ozone as a bolt of Force Lighting strong enough to split the mountain began to gather.

“Paralus, it’s time for you to run away,” Nix said, lending her aid to Ayli and the risen soul’s endeavor.

“Flee? From YOU? Never!” Paralus’ voice seemed to come from all around them, as though he was the mountain that was crushing down on them.

“I said I before I got here part of me didn’t want there to be any hope left for you,” Nix said. “Do you know why?”

“Because the truth beckons you on despite you being too weak to follow it,” Paralus said as the energy for his final strike continued to build.

“It was because I wanted to destroy you. Honestly, I still do. You messed with my wife. I could rend your soul apart for that. Literally.”

Ayli wondered at that claim, but from what she could sense in Nix’s words, Nix’s claim was a simple fact.

Apparently researching other Force Traditions unearthed some unexpected and fairly terrifying things.

“If you possessed that power, you would have done so already. And if you haven’t it shows that you are too weak and stupid to ever match my power.”

“Or, and I know this is hard for you to understand at your level of emotional development, it’s just possible that giving in to a mindless need for immediate gratification isn’t what a real grown up should do.”

The blast came early.

It didn’t manage to split the mountain, in part because it hadn’t gathered enough power but also because even more of the spirits of Praxis Mar rose to defend them

Ayli had shown them how they were connected in the Force and that being engulfed in darkness didn’t mean there were no paths to a better future. They’d called to her from the Maw, and she’d ventured into it to show them what she’d experienced, to let her experience stand as proof of her words and the foundation of her conviction.

Nix was the one who gave them something to fight for though.

Not the destruction of Paralus the Lich. That wouldn’t have accomplished anything aside from a brief respite until his return or the return of some other Dark Side Force user intent on channeling their fear and rage towards even worse ends. 

Following in Nix’s example, the risen souls weren’t fighting to destroy anything, they were fighting to find themselves, and if that meant using what strength they had to protect the one who’d first promised them there could be a brighter tomorrow? Well that wasn’t a bad place to start in Ayli’s view.

“You cannot hold me off forever and I have eternity to grind you down to nothing,” Paralus’ voice boomed but the thunder and roar of the storms outside the temple all but drowned it out.

“I know this tantrum means a lot to you but you’re going to give in before we do,” Nix said, clearly not deescalating the encounter which Ayli found a trifle odd – until that is she remembered what Solna had told her that their new friends were doing.

“I’m not sure he’s smart enough to give in,” Ayli said, adding some fuel to the fire. “He can feel the change that’s happening and he still doesn’t understand that he’s already beaten.”

“The tiny spark you’ve lit is meaningless in the face of this world’s purity,” Paralus said. “Everything here remembers its history. The soil, the water, the air itself hold the screams of the truth.”

“And what truth would that be?” Nix asked.

“That there is no escape. There is one end and all must succumb to it. Nothing can last and no hope or dream can bear the suffering of your wretched existences.”

“That’s…wow, do you have it backwards,” Nix said. “Our hopes and dreams don’t bear our suffering for us. We keep moving forward for them. It’s in striving towards what we believe can be that we create the meaning of our lives. Suffering exists as a beacon for the things we need to fix or seek help with so that we can reach our hopes and dreams. Inflicting misery on other people? Or worse, turning ourselves into a petty little thing that thinks lifting big rocks is the height of power? That’s nothing but sad really.”

“Hiding behind words will not save you,” Paralus said. “Your words, like your bodies, will be crushed and forgotten and as you die, slowly I assure you.”

The mountain which was still bearing down on them grew impossibly heavier.

But only for a moment.

Something shifted in the planet.

Something continental in scale.

“Yeah, I don’t think that’s going to work for you,” Ayli said.

“What have you done!” Paralus wasn’t able to hide the shock or fear in his voice.

“Something none of the other people who came here ever thought to if I know my wife,” Nix said.

“I mean, it was pretty obvious,” Ayli said, feeling justifiably proud of herself nonetheless.

“What. Have. You. Done.” And there was the rage. Paralus had only a few tools to work with, and like the marionette to his insecurities that he was, he pulled them out one after the other.

Below them things began to move and shift, but no earthquake accompanied the titanic motion this time.

“You had me walk into the Maw,” Ayli said. “You knew that it was called ‘the Maw’, right?”

“I bet he had a fancier name for it,” Nix said. “He seems like the kind of guy who invents all kinds of over dramatic nonsense for the things he finds.”

“So like ‘The Vortex of All Souls’ or something like that?” Ayli asked, intentionally ignoring Paralus as though he couldn’t hear them and didn’t matter.

“Oh that’s a good one. I was thinking ‘The All Consuming Desparion Pit’ but yours is good, very classy.”

“I think that makes yours better. ‘Desparion Pit’ definitely sounds like someone whose trying too hard, and we knew he’s kinda lacking in the classy department.”

“Nothing can escape the Pit,” Paralus said.

“He really did name it the something Pit! I’m dying here!” Nix said, in no sense approaching her actual mortality.

“Wait, no, it could be the Pit ‘Something’, that’s even edgier isn’t it?”

“No. Nooo! Oh, I bet you’re right. That is so embarrassing.”

Paralus finally appeared before them, two red lightsaber blades in hand.

“I am going to kill you personally,” he said. “And none of these weak and feeble shades can stop me.”

“Probably not,” Nix said with a nod.

“I bet he can though,” Ayli said glancing up as the mountain above the temple and all but the bottom floor of the building were hurled away.

Above them, blotting out the sky and swallowing the storms which raged, the Beast of Praxis Mar towered.

“It has awoken! At last! It has awoken and judgement on the galaxy has come! Victory! Victory absolute!” Paralus cheered with wild abandon.

“You sure about that?” Nix asked.

Ayli reached out for Nix’s hand and together they rose into the air. Their ascension was gentle and effortless as the tens of thousands and growing risen souls below them lifted them until they floated together in the Beast’s line of sight.

“Yes! Be devoured! End in gnashing agony,” Paralus said, rising beside them with his own power.

“Open your eyes,” Nix said. “See who we are. See who you are. And most of all, see what you’ve done and what’s is happening now.”

The Beast turned to face them, its countenance calm and it’s eyes shining silver.

Just like Ayli’s.

“No! NO! That’s impossible. You cannot have undone the darkness of the planet’s soul!” Paralus was close to weeping, which felt cruelly fine.

Why shouldn’t he suffer for what he did?

“Look closer,” Nix said gently, her earlier taunting no longer needed from what Ayli could sense was happening light years away. “Ayli didn’t do this.”

“She’s right,” Ayli said. “I can’t change a planet. I’m just one person. You know what can change a planet though? A planet full of people, and, in this case, the planet itself.”

“Pure despair had sunk to the magma. There was nothing left to redeem here,” Paralus said, lost and perplexed.

“This isn’t redemption,” Ayli said. “This a choice. You had me walk into the Beast’s Maw, did you really think I wasn’t going to talk to it? I’m an archeologist, do you have ANY idea how much we want to understand the places and peoples we study?”

“The darkness should have consumed you utterly,” Paralus said.

“It did. I mean you don’t walk into a maw and not expect to get chewed up,” Ayli said. “Let me fill you in on a little secret though; understanding goes a lot farther than fighting does, and Nix is right, I don’t think anyone has ever tried just listening to the Beast.”

“I will still destroy you!” Paralus said. “When you fall, everything here will see the follow of your words. Everything will see the truth!”

“Paralus,” Nix said, her voice tinged with regret. “Everything here is seeing the truth. That’s why the Dark Side nexus is unraveling. The Dark Side lies, and for far too long the souls trapped her have believed those lies, have made the lies the entirety of their existence.”

“But they’re tired,” Ayli said. “The torment souls, the land and sea and sky, and even the Beast. They’ve been at this for so long and focusing on being miserable hasn’t fixed anything.”

“So they’re going to try a new path forward,” Nix said.

“Not all of them of course,” Ayli said. “There’s ambivalence about this, just like with everything else. There are souls out there who are taking a wait-and-see approach, and souls who believe other routes will lead to happiness.”

“There are even ones who cling to the Dark Side still,” Nix said. “Quite a lot from what I can tell.”

“Because that’s what they’ve know,” Ayli sad.

“In time though, they’ll see. Or they’ll allow themselves to rest at last and pass beyond to the true rest that has been denied them. Just like you will.”

“I shall never bend to you or your pathetic ideals! I am eternal!” Paralus boasted in full belief of his statements.

“Not anymore,” Nix said with a sad shake of her head. “You’ve denied yourself peace for so long now. Rest. There is more than this world and more lives you have yet to live.”

“Fool. I am eternal. My phylactery holds my soul beyond your reach. Where yours is right here, ready to be harvested!” In a thunderclap, Paralus shot forward, each lightsaber slashing downwards to cleave Ayli and Nix in twain.

They didn’t raise a hand to stop him. They didn’t need to.

Despite its size, the Beast swatted Paralus from the sky like a bug, obliterating the projection with a paw the size of an entire country.

“This matters not,” Paralus’ disembodied voice said. “I will stalk you across the stars. I will kill you and torture all of those dear to you. I will leave your life a ruin to serve as an example for all who might follow your foolish footsteps.”

“Sorry Paralus, but your time is done,” Nix said. “You can feel it, can’t you? The pull of the Force. Go with it this time. It’s guiding you to a better home than you’ve ever known before.”

“No! Wait…no, what is this?” Paralus voice grew fainter with each word.

“Your phylactery is gone. It’s why we kept your attention focused here, on us,” Ayli said.

“It’s gone and so are you,” Nix said, speaking to almost empty air. “You are one with the Force at last.”