Gamma City Blues

Ai comes from a family of career cops. In Gamma City though good cops don’t fare so well, so Ai’s plans don’t include anything like being a good one.

Arc 01 – The Beat

Report 01 – Ai and Curtweather

Report 02 – Ai, Zai and Curtweather

Report 03 – Ai, Zai and Curtweather

Report 04 – Ai, Zai, Captain Grace James and Curtweather

Report 05 – Ai, Zai and Curtweather

Report 06 – Ai, Zai and Curtweather

Report 07 – Ai, Zai and Curtweather

Report 08 – Ai, Zai, and Curtweather

Report 09 – Ai, Zai, and Harp

Report 10 – Ai, Zai, and Harp

Report 11 – Ai, Zai, Sidewalker, Jaella

Report 12 – Ai and Agatha

Arc 02 – Shakedown

Report 01 – Ai, Zai, Curtweather and {runner}

Report 02 – Zai, Ai

Report 03 – SurfKing, Mr. Heartless, Curt Kelton, Ai, Zai

Report 04 – Ai, Zai

Report 05 – Ai, Zai, Curtweather

Report 06 – Ai, Zai, Curtweather, Harp

Report 07 – Ai, Zai, Curtweather,

Report 08 – Ai, Zai, Harp

Report 09 – Ai, Zai, Harp

Report 10 – Ai, Zai, Harp

Report 11 – Ai, Harp, Zai, Raju

Report 12 – Ai, Harp, Zai, Raju

Report 13 – Ai, Harp, Zai

Report 14 – Ai, Harp, Zai, Raju

Report 15 – Ai, Agatha, Zai

Arc 03 – Falling

Report 01 – Ai, Harp, Zai

Report 02 – Ai, Harp, Zai

Report 03 – Zai

Report 04 – Eddie Page, Zai

Report 05 – Ai, Harp, Zai

Report 06 – Ai, Zai, Harp

Report 07 – Ai, Zai

Report 08 – Ai,  Zai

Report 09 – Ai, Zai

Report 10 – Ai, Sidewalker, Zai

Report 11 – Ai, Zai, Adams, Silvestri

Report 12 – Ai, Zai, Adams, Curtweather

Report 13 – Agatha

Arc 04 – Wires

Report 01 – Zai, Sidewalker

Report 02 – Zai, Sidewalker

Report 03 – Zai, Sidewalker

Report 04 – Zai, Harcroft

Report 05 – Zai, Drop Team: Green, Hojikaro, Gonzalez, Carrera, Devry

Report 06 – Zai, Silicon Traces

Report 07 – Zai, Sidewalker

Report 08 – Zai, Ai

Report 09 – Ai

Report 10 – Ai, Agatha

Arc 05 – Trials

Report 01 – Daniel Path, Holly, Tyrese, Harp

Report 02 – Ai, Sidewalker

Report 03 – Derricks, Simmons

Report 04 – Harp, Raju, Sil, Tiny Zai

Report 05 – Harp, Tiny Zai

Report 06 – Derricks, Simmons

Report 07 – Ai, Sidewalker, Medusa

Report 08 – Harp, Tiny Zai

Report 09 – Derricks, Simmons

Report 10 – Ai, Medusa

Report 11 – Ai, Medusa

Report 12 – Simmon, Park, Objawani, de Mers

Report 13 – Ai, Medusa, Harp

Report 14 – Ai, Agatha, Harp, Medusa

Arc 06 – Justice

Report 01 – Ai, Zai, Harp, Medusa

Report 02 – Ai, Harp, Zai, Medusa

Report 03 – Ai, Harp, Zai, Medusa

Report 04 – Ai, Simmons, Sil

Report 05 – Ai, Zai, Sil, Raju, Harp

Report 06 – Ai, Zai, Sil, Raju, Harp

Report 07 – Ai, Zai, Raju, Harp, Sil

Report 08 – Ai, Zai, Harp, Raju, Sil, Medusa

Report 09 – Ai, Zai, Raju, Medusa

Report 10 – Harp, Dee, Sil, Platinum

Report 11 – Ai, Zai, Medusa, Simmons, Objawani, Park

Report 12 – Ai, Medusa, Simmons, Objawani, Park

Report 13 – Ai, Zai, Medusa, Simmons, Objawani, Park

Report 14 – Ai, Agatha, Harp, Zai, Sil, Dee, Platinum

Arc 07 – Paperwork

Report 01 – Ai, Zai, Grace James

Report 02 – Ai, Curtweather

Report 03 – Ai, Harp, Sidewalker

Report 04 – Ai, Zai, Agatha