Heart’s Oath – Cast List

The Heart’s Oath

Character names, introduction chapters and notes for the case of the Heart’s Oath. Characters will be added as they are introduced to prevent spoilers, and the notes are being left intentionally sparse for the same reason.


Alari Gallagrin
First Appeared: The Mind’s Armor
Notes: Queen of Gallagrin

Daelynne Akorli
First Appeared: The Mind’s Armor
Notes: Queen’s Champion, Commander of the Queen’s Guard

First Appeared: The Heart’s Oath, Chapter 7
Notes: Advisor from the Green Council

Eldest Lialarus 
First Appeared: The Heart’s Oath, Chapter 21
Notes: Matriach of the Inchesso Lialarus family

Eorn Bromli
First Appeared: The Heart’s Oath, Chapter 2
Notes: Junior member of the Queen’s Guard

Faen Kemoral
First Appeared: The Spirit’s Blade
Notes: Commander of the Gallagrin Royal Army

Gala Ragranprimort
First Appeared: The Heart’s Oath, Chapter 12
Notes: Ambassador from the Green Council to Gallagrin

Haldri Paxmer
First Appeared: The Spirit’s Blade
Notes: Former queen of Paxmer

Hexcourt Frederic 
First Appeared: The Heart’s Oath, Chapter 24
Notes: Acting Captain in the Senkin Army

Iana Raprimdel
First Appeared: The Heart’s Oath, Chapter 3
Notes: Commander of the Green Council army which invaded Senkin

Jaan Lafli
First Appeared: Heart’s Oath, Chapter 2
Notes: Jyl’s twin sister

Jyl Lafli
First Appeared: The Spirit’s Blade
Notes: Senior member of the Queen’s Guard

Marie Senkin
First Appeared: The Heart’s Oath, Chapter 15
Notes: Queen of Senkin

Monelle Linli
First Appeared: The Heart’s Oath, Chapter 31
Notes: Eldest daughter of the Linli noble family

Ogma Daili 
First Appeared: The Heart’s Oath, Chapter 22
Notes: Acting Commander of the Gallagrin Scout Corp

Pentacourt Marcel 
First Appeared: The Heart’s Oath, Chapter 23
Notes: General in the Senkin Army

Rendolan (“Ren”) Telli
First Appeared: The Mind’s Armor
Notes: Duke of Tel

Skybright Phillip
First Appeared: The Heart’s Oath, Chapter 15
Notes: General of the Senkin army

Suncourt Corine
First Appeared: The Heart’s Oath, Chapter 9
Notes: Captain in the Senkin armed forces

Sunrover Guenievre 
First Appeared: The Heart’s Oath, Chapter 24
Notes: Acting Captain in the Senkin armed forces

Teolicianza (“Teo”) Si’Nostrum
First Appeared: The Mind’s Armor
Notes: Vampire

Undine Kebrom
First Appeared: Heart’s Oath, Chapter 2
Notes: Junior member of the Queen’s Guard

Wylika Selmondel
First Appeared: Heart’s Oath, Chapter 7
Notes: Iana’s Second-in-Command


Chapter 1: Dae and Alari

Chapter 2: Jyl, Eorn, Undine, Jaan

Chapter 3: Iana

Chapter 4: Ren and Teo

Chapter 5: Dae, Jyl, Jaan, Eorn and Undine

Chapter 6: Alari, Dae, Jyl, Jaan, Ren, Teo, Eorn, and Undine

Chapter 7: Iana, Dagmauru, Wylika

Chapter 8: Alari, Dae, Jyl, Jaan, Ren, Teo, Eorn, and Undine

Chapter 9: Suncourt Corine, Alari, Dae, Jyl, Jaan (also present: Ren, Teo, Eorn, and Undine)

Chapter 10: Alari, Jyl, Corine, Ren, Jaan, Undine, Haldri

Chapter 11: Dae, Teo, Eorn

Chapter 12: Dae, Kemoral, Gala

Chapter 13: Dae, Kemoral, Gala

Chapter 14: Dae, (Iana), Kemoral, Gala

Chapter 15: Alari, Haldri, Jyl, Skybright Phillip, Marie Senkin

Chapter 16: Jyl, Jaan, Ren, Undine

Chapter 17: Alari, Haldri

Chapter 18: Iana, Alari, Haldri

Chapter 19: Alari, Haldri

Chapter 20: Teo, Eorn

Chapter 21: Eorn, Teo, Eldest Lialarus

Chapter 22: Dae, Kemoral, Ogma

Chapter 23: Undine, Jyl, Marie Senkin, Skybright Phillip, Pentacourt

Chapter 24: Haldri, Frederic, Guenievre

Chapter 25: Iana, Dagmauru, Alari

Chapter 26: Alari, Iana

Chapter 27: Alari, Iana

Chapter 28: Dae, Kemoral, Ogma, Gala

Chapter 29: Jyl, Jaan

Chapter 30: Eorn, Teo

Chapter 31:  Dae, Duchess Harli, Duke Varsli, Duke Zendli, Duke Linli, Faen Kemoral, Monelle Linli

Chapter 32: Iana, Alari

Chapter 33: Alari, Iana

Chapter 34: Ren, Pentacourt

Chapter 35: Dae, Ogma

Chapter 36: Dae, Ogma, Duchess Harli, Duke Zenli

Chapter 37: Undine, Marie Senkin

Chapter 38: Alari, Iana

Chapter 39: Dagmauru

Chapter 40: Jaan, Jyl

Chapter 41: Jyl, Jaan, Dagmauru

Chapter 42: Undine, Ren, Marie Senkin

Chapter 43: Dae, Ogma

Chapter 44: Alari, Iana

Chapter 45: Dagmauru, Balmauru

Chapter 46: Eorn, Teo

Chapter 47: Balmauru, Jyl, Jaan

Chapter 48: Dae, (Young Alari), Kirios

Chapter 49: Iana, Dagmauru, Wylika, Alari

Chapter 50: Iana, Alari, Dagmauru

Chapter 51: Dae, Alari, Iana, Dagmauru

Chapter 52: Dae, Alari, Tellaikai

Chapter 53: Jyl, Jaan, Wylika, Balmauru, Dagmauru,

Chapter 54: Iana, Wylika, Alari, Dae

Chapter 55: Undine, Eorn, Ren, Teo

Chapter 56: Alari, Haldri, Marie

Chapter 57: Dae and Alari